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A Miktam of Worship.

Worship a word we hear and read so much about, we have indeed developed our preconceived ideas about worship. Someone once mentioned that when Christians get an opinion regarding something, they search the bible finding scriptures to prove their argument.

The word of God is His words and His thoughts and directives. We need to be spending more time opening our hearts to God's word and direction in the bible. Worship is no different, and nowhere in the word of God do we identify this example of intimate heart inscribed worship like King David. The writing of the Psalms is the most exquisite array of sincere worship.

The term Miktam is mentioned in only six of David's Psalms, it is a rare form of a Hebrew word that no one knows the meaning of. Recently some biblical scholars made bold attempts to affix a meaning, describing it as a poetic or intense heart-throbbing expression addressed to God. An epigram or an inscription inscribed on the heart of David.

David cried to God from the depths of his heart. He worshiped God by expressing that which was impressed on his heart. This beloved describes worship at its fullest. Here we find the Miktam of David, a confident way to release that which he genuinely treasures within. Proper worship represents the expression of a passion for God, by that which the Holy Spirit has engraved on our hearts.

Psalm 16

A miktam of David.

Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.

Pastor Richard

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