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Kingdom Servants, or Church Members

We must continue to establish a biblical vision that grows people into Kingdom living. Jesus organized his ministry in expressions of God’s Kingdom operating in the world, not a church building or organization.

Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:14-15

The sole purpose for the church to come together was and always will be to advance the Kingdom of God. When we choose to focus on our agenda or selfish plans, we are not obedient to the Kingdom Of God.

Jesus expressed the gospel as good news about the divine truth that God’s Kingdom is the presence of King Jesus. This is why worship should never be geared towards popularity. Worship is the holiest expression of God and King Jesus. Worship is the Holy Spirit breathed and Holy Spirit-led.

By our trying to apply the Kingdom into our church or institutional order, we create church members and not Kingdom servants! There is a tremendous difference between these two:

Church members rely on church members and not God.

Church members perceive the vision in the church is only for the Pastor to attain.

Church members believe the gospel is for sinners and for eternal life to come.

Church members give according to emotions and needs.

Church members feel they are giving to the church not necessarily to God.

Church members hold to discipleship as training or raising up leaders.

Kingdom servants rely on God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. They see their fellow servants as co-laborers in the kingdom.

Kingdom servants understand that they are a very important part of the vision and together they see it through.

Kingdom servants know that the gospel is the good news from the King to all subjects for all times.

Richard Boyd

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